4smarts iPad 10.9" Rugged Case Grip Fodral till Apple iPad 10.9" (2022 10th Gen.)
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4smarts iPad 10.9" Rugged Case Grip Fodral till Apple iPad 10.9" (2022 10th Gen.)
Brand Compatibility
iPad 10.9 Gen 10 (2022)
The Rugged Case Grip offers perfect protection for your tablet in case of drops and bumps.This robust brand case is the perfect companion in every situation: Whether on the construction site, in the office or leisure tours.The wrist strap offers comfort and (grip) safety: So you can view, edit or present drawings, study the route through the city or just check your e-mails without crashing.The multifunctional handle lets you easily position your tablet in portrait or landscape mode. This way you can watch videos in a relaxed way, or go into "face time" with family and friends and free hands.
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